A typical workday of a medical billing professional begins with coding medical information of patients. This is done so your organization can get reimbursed for the services rendered to patients. Your in-house team checks to see if the insurance companies are being billed on time and in the right way. Coders code relevant information using appropriate software. Look for errors in coding and ensure everything has been submitted timely.
Even though your dedicated medical billing team is working day in and day out handling all the insurance work, managing patient care, resolving incorrect payments, dealing with claim rejections and outstanding accounts, your billing costs are on the rise without your revenue keeping up with it. Despite your medical billing team working so hard your revenue stream just does not seem to pick up. Why do you think this is happening?
Considering outsourcing your medical billing work to experts? Why waste the skills of your expensive resources and increase the costs when you can have a team outside your company doing it all for you, and that too at a much less cost.
Since the past few years, more and more medical facilities, hospitals, and healthcare systems have been outsourcing their medical billing processes to companies specializing in this line of work. They believe it increases overall efficiency and improves the revenue cycle.
Medical billing professionals of Gables Medical Billing (GMB) have been providing their dedicated services for years in Florida. At GMB we understand your medical billing requirements the best. Our billing experts not only submit all your claims on time, they also ensure there are no denials or delays by providing error-free patient records.
We have a team that is trained and up to date about all the latest happenings in the medical billing and coding industry. This helps ensure you get superior service with almost a nil claim denial rate. An efficient and effective medical billing process means better revenue and happy patients. For medical billing services in Tampa, connect with our billing specialists right away.
Gables Medical Billing has adapted to the ever-changing medical billing environment, modifying and adding to its services to proactively meet the needs of its clients.